WIRED (rebranded) logo in motion. Location: Australia
✢ Magic behind the madness!
Breaching privacy for a good cause?
Utilising IP Addresses (Live API) to generate logos.
✢ Why use IP addresses?
An IP address in (Standard) IPv4 format consists of 4 integer values separated by periods. Each integer value, called an octet, can range from 0 to 255, which gives 256 possible values for each octet (since 0 is included).
Therefore, Total possible variations for generative logos =
256 × 256 × 256 × 256 = 256⁴ = 4,294,967,296
Location: Germany
Location: France
Location: India
Location: Kenya
Location: Singapore
Location: Tokyo
✢ Running into problems!
There seems to be some limitations to this data set!
Controlling Paramters
Having large values as parameters (anything over the integer 80) would make the logo illegible (or quite simply, wonky)
Controlling Speed
Since this is a live API, the server would have to first attain the IP first and then produce results.
✢ Here's how I solved it
Final structure of code.
Data Explained: Sample IP Address in IPv4 format
Playing with parameters
WIRED (rebranded): mobile (darkmode)
WIRED (rebranded): mobile (lightmode)